addi tipiInstallation by Ute Lennartz-Lembeck supported by addi.
Building on my previous knitting artwork, on the worldwide dynamycof this movement and the pratical and theoretical juxtaposition of this art form, this mobile piece was a reflexive reaction that has been exhibited at various locations. That unique up to now.
Generally, knit art deals with several levels:
The idea
- The creation (which has a mediative-cultural effect)
- The connection (both during solo work as well as collaboration for projects, when exchanching... now wordwilde)
- The exhibition (often an urban guerilla knitting action, which happens unannounced) and that which the work creates. Previously, the signatures of individual "artists" are coming to the fore, it deals with context (anonymous or personal, individual or as a group and international) in a space; it deals with an experience.
The layers are as diverse as the creation and connecting it to the global network.
I personnaly built this piece to be mobile so that it could be set up and experienced for various occasions, individually, in small groups... The dimensions are 4 m across 6 m high poles.
Upon entering the teepee, one is (unconsciously) surrounded by it, follows the colours, the varying transparency - it doesn't need to be described in words. When you look up, supported by the results of the colour gradient... it is open and you can view the sky.
From outside, one sees a schematic of the inside, illuminated at night, just the inside, etc.
To explore, to enable, at many locations, for various occasions... that is my personnal wish.
Ute Lennartz-Lembeck